Thursday, 25 March 2010

And now the end is near...

Well thats your lot hope you enjoyed the ride, as much as I enjoyed making it, My brief romance with processing has come to an end at least for now, Until I post again, Goodnight, Godbless and Good riddence PI.


Imagine an Image

This sketch changes the mouse cursor to an image of a space ship and the pointilism in the background looks like stars flashing on and off. I think these files are too big to run in a browser but have a look at the code anyway. You never know they may work for you.


Still playing with images

An array displays this gif image like a little animation.


Week 7 Images

Working with images here is a present using pointalism


Array Array its a Holi Holiday...

... Well nearly. Ok been using arrays to further expand the useability of my ball class can have as many balls as you want created really all with the same characteristics.


Music Notes

Took my music notes and created a notes class, unfortunately trying to put them on the record player just elluded me in the time I have left until deadline, but here is it working as a standalone sketch.


Week 6 I am in dis-Array with all these classes

Been looking at using classes to make functions easy and more reusable.created this balls example which has a ball class.


Circle Cycle

Clutching at straws here to know what to keep writing in these posts. The titles are abysmal must apologise. Regardless of the content I hope your still reading and still awake, because here is the final random one - appearing circles.


Using Text

This is an example of using text in a sketch using pfont function. I have randomised it so its very dynamic. press 'x' to stop it and 'SPACE' to start it again.

Take that expand and add it to something else...

Using the previous example I have added two of them to the background of my Teddy hopefully its not two psychedelic for him. Perhaps he has gone to the disco.

Week 5 Lets get a little random...

Ok week 5 and we are starting to look at making our sketches more dynamic and unique. The random function allows us to create a sketch that is different everytime you view it. Here is my first attempt.

Still playing with the record player

Added the ability to increase or decrease the speed of the rotation and the direction, by pressing UP or DOWN arrow keys. This is really coming on now really impressed with it.


Create your own balls...

Create your own balls at the mouse position for just the outline press the mouse, for a solid fill press space and to clear the screen press 'c'. If you hold down space you can draw with it.


Etch your own sketch

Similar code to the last one with a few alterations, make your own drawings with the arrow keys press 'c' to clear the screen and start again.


Move that circle...

Been using the keycode and key pressed functions to add more functionality to sketches. Here is one that allows you to move a circle around the screen.


Week 4 Its all Balls to me...

The puns get worse I think the codes having an effect on my mentality. Anyway I have added the ability to resize the balls with the up or down arrow.


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Rotating Squares with a bit of 3D

Thought I would play with the push matrix a little more and came up with these spinning squares and stars, the star is further forward on the Z axis so technically its 3D but you cant really tell.


What IF

Working with if statements. Just a ball changing direction and speed using the IF Statements, pretty straightforward.


lets take what we have learned...

Now lets apply that knowledge to the record player and also spin the graphics on the label using a push matrix, and individually created draw functions, which allows us to set a rotation point rather than the images spinning on their centre points.


Starting to look good!

PI PI PI Delilah

I mentioned before how I wanted to make my record player spin and this would involve rotating arcs will I didnt know much about PI calculations, but I found the radians conversion code and this was a big help and allowed me to convert to degrees and back again. Here are 2 practice spinning arcs one that just spins and the other looks like its drawing a circle.



And now he blinks

Ooo you could almost hug the screen, added more life to my little bear by making him blink when you press the mouse button.


Teds looking at YOU

Decided to make the eyes on my teddy follow the mouse pointer, Brings him to life Bless him.


Week 3 Variables

Already came across the wonderful world of variables whilst creating previous sketches. But thats the name of the topic this week. They allow you to create interesting animated sketches. First up the balls example from last week moving of its own accord. added a trail by overlaying a square with an alpha value of 25 each time the draw function loops, creates a nice effect.


Maths Maths Maths we all love Maths

Quite proud of this one got the stylus on my record player to move in relation to mouseX, needless to say it involved getting my head round some maths so that the Y position was relative to the x movement. Sound complicated? It was but the end result is satifying. It seems to create an armitage effect with joint. also uses the constrain function to make sure it only operates in a believable range of movement.


Changing the colour and stroke

Using my abstract drawing from week one created a colour change when the mouse is moved and also another example of changing the thickness of the stroke in relation to mouse position, you get some interesting results by just having the mouse in a different position.


Create Your Own Drawings

Simple drawing pad for you to play around with.


Week 2 Lets start adding a bit of functionality

Ok starting to make the still images dynamic by adding mouse functionality, my first attempt a set of balls. Easy now, there are three of them. Don't know if that made that better or worse nothing like a bit of innuendo to get you in the mood for processing.


You have to start somewhere

Ok dont laugh it's not good. Thought I would upload the first ever sketch I actually tried to do in the lesson, hopefully I have come a long way since then.


Spin that Record!

Got a habit of putting exclamation marks on my titles, its very bad practice. On a side note I hate PI, Not the edible kind the 3.14 rubbish, it does my head in, thought I had left trigonometry back at school, anyway my final sketch for week 1 is my record player. I really like the idea of this one as I think it could allow me to do a lot with it for future topics, stay tuned for more. One headache to overcome is trying to spin the arcs(); must look into that. Did I mention I HATE PI!


oh I ended the post with an exclamation mark as well. Actually I didnt because I wrote this, nevermind until next time.

Where to Start!

Finding it really difficult to come up with ideas of what to draw
found this pic of a teddy bear that I think could add a bit of scope for future development. Have a look at mine, it took me absolutely ages. not exactly the same but I still think hes cute just dont tell anyone I said that, got a rep to protect.


Starting to upload - about time!

Hi its been a while but, I have been working away with the book and on my own, have to say that the reference library is invaluable. Anyway on to the work I have created. This one is a little abstract but it uses vertexs to create the desired finish. just a pretty pattern really.


Monday, 1 February 2010

Reference Library

Finding the reference library really useful on the processing website its great at telling you all the code and what to do with it. and helps you to fault find any variables or code you may be using incorrectly or have put in the wrong place. At present finding trial and error is the name of the game but hopefully it will start to become second nature. You can find the reference library here.

Just ordered the book

Looking forward to getting the book I have just ordered to help me along my path to enlightenment. Its a book called Learning Processing by Daniel Shiffman you can find out more information here. Hopefully this will allow me to follow the tutorials more easily and aid my learning of the code. Cant wait for it to arrive.

Monday, 25 January 2010

First Sketch

Here is my first sketch using processing a little boat which uses arcs, rectangles and triangles as well as the quad function


Lets get started...

Going to start off by using processing to draw simple 2D images and then get more complicated from there. Processing is a simple programming language based on JAVA, its a great way to start to learn how to programme you can find out more information on this website I have done some programming before using Java and pearl but it was a long time ago but I hope it all comes flooding back.

First Post...

Welcome to my blog this is my first post and my first blog so bear with me it may take a while to get going, but once up and running I hope to update it regularly. This blog is an in depth look at the highs and lows of learning processing. From here on out its all code code code, but once you look past that you get to see some pretty pictures and interactive content, just need to learn how to do it first. And thats what this blog is all about - learning new things and sharing it all with you if you care to read it.